Thursday, June 18, 2009

Her name was rio...

After returning from Machu Piccu we decided to book a river rafting trip. For only $45 each we were able to raft down the Urabamba river in class 1, 2, and 3 rapids. On the way to the river we were slowed down a bit by locals who had filled the roadways with boulders in an attempt to show their protest for the way the government is treating them. Apparently (from what we could gather through broken conversations) the Peruvian Government has sold a large amount of land in the jungle that was inhabited by native Peruvians. They sold the land off to some big businesses who are now forcing the natives off their land and not even providing them the opportunity to work in the factories.

Anyhow, after moving some boulders and eventually having to ask for permission to pass, we were at the bank of the river. All six (well 5.5 really as Emily was just along for the ride with her arm in a sling) of us jumped in the same boat with our guide Renee and we were off. All and all the ride was tame but fun nonetheless. Nobody fell out and Mandy even got to play guide and lead us down the river for a bit by telling us when and how to paddle (we ended up spinning in circles).

After the ride the guides cooked us a great lunch and we were on our way home (stopping occasionally to move boulders). Our travel plans to Puno looked to be in jeopardy as the travel agent informed us that the bus could not navigate the roads due to the protesters. Fortunately he offered to hire a private driver for us (at no extra cost) so in the morning we depart for Puno.



  1. had me at "her name was rio"...i haven't even read the rest of this peice and already im thrilled...well done sir.

  2. Hi Everyone! Awesome stories! Awesome pictures! Awesome Adventures! You guys are all amazing!!!I can't wait to hear about everything in person. I love you guys!!!! Be Safe!!!
    love, Toni
